SV ENVIRO CONSULTANTS pioneered its way in the mid 90’s in Yanam, the evergreen Union Territiory, to provide services in the area of environmental pollution control.
To cater quality services a well equipped laboratory in an extent of 4500sq feet has been established at Visakhapatnam as SV ENVIRO LABS AND CONSULTANTS (SVELC) located at Enviro House, Block-B, B1, IDA, Autonagar, Visakhapatnam-530012.
SV ENVIRO LABS AND CONSULTANTS (SVELC) is recognized by Ministry of Environment ,Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC), Accredited by NABET and NABL, Certified with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
SVELC has an exeperience of more then 20 years in the field of Environmental testing, Pollution control and Consultancy services.